Saturday, December 11, 2010

Random patterns...

In a life that is fast rushing past us, we are forever trying to make sense. Trying to understand all that happens and all that does not happen. We are looking for causes, explanations, reasons and justifications. We are frantically searching. Searching, for a pattern, a cause or an explanation. Something to comfort us, something to give us hope. Hope for the future. Solace for the past. We are dazed by the world and we try to understand it by finding patterns - repetitive events which might help us know the future.

Like the constellations scattered in the sky, we imagine patterns in our everyday life. We assume causality and order on more occasions than one as we try to explain the world. We forget that the constellations in the sky are only products of random chance and not really organized structures and patterns. We forget that we are bound to find some order or pattern even though the world is driven by randomness. Our mind tricks us by locating these patterns in pure chaos. We then hold on to that pattern and build our lives on it. We forget that the pattern was nothing but our imagination. Our error lies not in perceiving the pattern but in ascribing more meaning to it than should be.

Most people believe in a grander scheme of events to unfold, giving purpose to their life, as they seek order in disorder. Some realize the force of randomness in their lives but do nothing as they hope that their understanding is indeed accurate. Some realize the truth and strive to over come the tricks that the mind plays.

As for me, from a child who believed in destiny to a hopeful skeptic now, I've been through the phases. And as i move ahead, I strive harder and harder to accept the role of randomness in shaping our lives.

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